Friday, 20 December 2013

Masses for 5 Jan. and Epiphany at Swnnerton

With the situation at St. Joseph's, Burslem uncertain now, the first Sunday Mass (Jan. 5th.)in the Old Rite in the New Year will be at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Swynnerton ,
near Stone, at 6 p.m.

The day after, the Epiphany (6 Jan.), Mass will also be at Our Lady's, Swynnerton, at 7 p.m.

Our thanks to Fr. Chevasse who is willing to celebrate the Old Rite each Sunday (evening) while the situation is resolved, but as yet this is only a suggestion.  Should this happen Masses would most likely be in the Missa Cantata form.

ALSO: there is a current press release with photos of a record number of Confirmations in the Old Rite in Spanish Place recently on the main LMS website:

Friday, 13 December 2013

Apologies for this website not being updated for a while.
This is to give you the dates of Masses around Christmastime; also to let you know I have written again to Archbishop Longley regarding Sunday Traditional Latin Masses from January onwards, and will let you know his reply when I receive it.  We have been given a date for the friars leaving Burslem: 3 January 2014. 
Recently (Nov. 30) the LMS reps met at their AGM with some of the Committee at London Blackfriars.  Before the Meeting we had Mass in the Dominican Rite celebrated by Fr. Gregory Pearson OP, who was only ordained in July.  He was formally a very active contributor to Godzdogz, the blog of the Dominican seminarians!  This was in the OP Church off Haverstock Hill, St. Dominic’s, a grand and impressive neo-Gothic work with a lovely Lady Chapel (with altar rails) where we had Mass.

The national picture from the reps is quite mixed: some areas like ourselves have few priests, some have more priests than servers, some do pretty well, depending upon the area.  Quite a number of members have died over the years and LMS membership is down.  Might I encourage those who are lovers of the Trad. Mass who are not members to become members: a good New Year’s resolution.  It’s only £25 a year and there are concessions, and it’s no longer the ‘LMS for  the Preservation of the Traditional Rite’, but the Promotion of the Traditional Rite.  This is important.  Membership includes free issues of the quarterly Mass of Ages which currently (Winter Issue) carries an excellent article by Fr. Edgar from St. Alban’s who received a request from the Westminster archdiocese last March (Bp Alan Hopes) to include the EF Mass in his Sunday schedule.  Though in his fifties, he learned the Mass from scratch (began March 2013, first Mass Aug.), and is amazed at the spiritual benefits he has received.  I recommended the article to Abp Longley.

MASSES:  Sat.,14 Dec. SWYNNERTON Our Lady’s, Low, 10 a.m.  Tues, Dec 24, BURSLEM, St. Joseph’s MIDNIGHT MASS, Sung;  Sat. 28 Dec. SWYNNERTON, Low, 10 a.m.; Mon. 30 Dec. WOLSTANTON, St. Wulstan’s (St. Thomas of Canterbury) 11 a.m. Low/Sung; Fri., 3 Jan. WOLSTANTON, Low 7 p.m.  

There is also a Sung Vespers Christmas Service in Latin & English on 24 Dec., at 4 p.m. at St. Wulstan’s, Wolstanton (some organ they have there now!)


Sunday, 29 September 2013


The Sunday Mass at Oulton Abbey (near Stone) scheduled for 27 October has been changed to a week earlier: Low Mass at 3 pm on Sunday 20 October.    Mass for the upcoming First Friday, Oct. 4, is at 7 pm at St. Wulstan's, Wolstanton, near Newcastle-under-Lyme, and the next fortnightly Mass at Our Lady's, Swynnerton (near Stone) is at 10 am., Saturday 5 Oct.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Masses in September

1st - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
6th - St. Wulstan's, Wolstanton 7.00pm Low Mass
7th - OL of the Assumption, Swynnerton 10.00am Low Mass
8th - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
15th St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
21st OL of the Assumption, Swynnerton 10.00am Low Mass
22nd  - Oulton Abbey 3.00pm Sung/Low Mass
St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.oopm Sung Mass
29th St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.oopm Sung Mass

Friday, 30 August 2013

Next Masses at Oulton Abbey & Swynnerton

The Masses for Oulton Abbey, near Stone, will be on the fourth Sundays of the Month; 
22 Sept. and 27 Oct., at 3 pm.  One or both will probably be sung.  Masses on Saturday morning (followed by Confession) continue fortnightly at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Swynnerton near Stone, next Masses at 10 a.m., 7 Sept & 21 Sept.

Several regular and occasional attenders at the Burslem weekly Sunday Mass took part in the Ely-Walsingham Pilgrimage Walk last weekend, some 90 pilgrims in all, mostly under 30 years of age.  Great!  It was a splendid occasion and the 5th. such Annual Walk will take place around this time next year.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

July 28 Mass at Oulton Abbey Cancelled

Unfortunately due to illness, the scheduled Mass for this Sunday has had to be cancelled.  The next Sunday Mass at Oulton Abbey (sung or low) will be on Aug. 18 at 3 pm.  Other upcoming Masses are at Swynerton this Saturday (27 July) at 10 a.m. and at St. Wulstan's, Wolstanton, Newcastle at
7 p.m., Friday Aug. 2.

Please note there is a Trad. Rite Latin Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady at St. Joseph's, Burslem at 7 pm (Aug. 15)

Friday, 19 July 2013

Forthcoming Masses

Sunday Masses at Oulton Abbey are at 3pm as usual, the next ones being on July 28th. and Aug. 18th.  The (usually Sung) Sunday Mass at 6 p.m. at St. Joseph's, Burslem, near Stoke-on-Trent will continue each week, and there is a new fortnightly Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Swynnerton, near Eccleshall/Stone, on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. as indicated in earlier message.

There will be a Low Mass for the Feast of the Assumption (Aug. 15) at St. Joseph's, Burslem, at
7 pm., and a Low Mass for the Feast of All Saints (Nov. 1) at St. Wulstan's, Wolstanton (Newcastle) at 7 p.m.  A little south of the N. Staffs deanery area, at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Cannock Road, Wolverhampton, there is a now a weekly Mass on Fridays at 6.30 pm.

Younger people (but not exclusively!) may well be interested in the revived historical Pilgrimage Walk from Walsingham (Aug. 24-26), culminating in the Annual LMS High Mass at the Walsingham Shrine, 2pm Sunday 26 Aug.


Craig Davies, former altar server and sacristan to Fr. Anton Guziel at Our Lady's Church in Fenton who went on to be a seminarian at Oscott College, was ordained in St. Chad's Cathedral in Birmingham on Sunday July 14th., by Archbishop Bernard Longley, and celebrated his first public Mass the following day appropriately at Fenton.  Our warmest congratulations and prayers, Fr. Craig.  We know you will be a fine priest. 

Sunday, 30 June 2013

New Mass at Swynnerton , near Stone

After an encouraging first Mass (low) at Our Lady of the Assumption Church (part of the Earl of Stafford estate), Swynnerton, near Eccleshall/Stone yesterday, there will now be fortnightly Saturday Masses there in the Trad. Rite, from 13 July, at 10 a.m.  Confession is available after Mass.  Our thanks to Fr. Paul Chevasse.
Following Masses 27 July, 10 Aug., 24 Aug., 7 Sept.......


Monday, 10 June 2013

Feast of Ss Peter & Paul Mass at Our Lady's Swynnerton

There will be a Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in the village of Swynnerton near Stone (off the A519 from Stoke towards Eccleshall) at 10 a.m., Saturday 29 June.  Confession is available from 11 a.m.  It is hoped that this will be the start of regular Old Rite Masses at this time on a Saturday morning.  Obviously this depends upon the response, so please spread the word

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Masses in June

2nd - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
7th - St. Wulstan's, Wolstanton 7.00pm Low Mass
9th - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
16th - Oulton Abbey 3.00pm Sung/Low Mass
St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
23rd St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.oopm Sung Mass
29th - OL of the Assumption, Swynnerton 10.00am Low Mass
3oth St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.oopm Sung Mass

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Next Mass at Oulton Abbey 16th. June

The next Mass at Oulton Abbey Chapel (near Stone) will be at 3 pm. Sunday 16 June. Unfortunately it is not proving possible to keep the monthly Mass to the fourth Sunday of the month, so do please check the date of the timetabled Mass before travelling.

Mass for Feast of Sacred Heart 7th. June

There will be a Low Mass on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, 7th. June at 7 p.m. at St. Wulstan's Church, Wolstanton, near Newcastle-under-Lyme.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Remember Br. Peter Julian at St. Joseph's Burslem?

Those of us who have been regular worshippers at the Trad. Latin Mass at St. Joseph's, Burslem, will remember Br. Peter Julian, one of the original six Fransican F.I. friars who took over the heritage-listed church and introduced the TLM there for the first time in over forty years.  This picture is dated for St. Patrick's Day yesterday, but does not give place or event..


Friday, 15 March 2013


This is a picture from Thursday morning 14 March (courtesy Fr. Tim's Hermeneutic blog)
of the new Pope praying at the tomb of the great (Dominican) Pope St. Pius V of the great Mass (1570) we all love and promote.  It is in the basilica of S. Maria Maggiore in Rome, a quite staggeringly impressive church and a must on a Rome pilgrimage.

These are very early days and we have to discover our new Holy Father, and anything encouraging is worth noting, and this is surely encouraging.  LMS's Dr. Joseph Shaw is also posting information as we all seek to know more about the first Francis and the first Jesuit, and it is well worth having a look at his LMS Chairman's Blog.  It is known he has spoken out in Buenos Aires against same sex marriage, and the latter blog informs us of a strong stance against wayward and liberal Jesuit confreres. 

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Oulton Mass Cancelled

Unfortunately, owing to illness and commitments the Mass scheduled at Oulton Abbey this coming Sunday, 17 March is cancelled.  Apologies, but a Happy St. Patrick's Day anyway.

Friday, 8 March 2013


LMS Campaigning Results in Two New Sunday EF Masses in Westminster Archdiocese

We are delighted to announce that there will be weekly Sunday Masses in the Extraordinary Form at two new venues in the Archdiocese of Westminster in the near future.

The Masses will take place in St Albans in the parish of St Bartholomew’s, 47 Vesta Avenue, St Albans, AL1 2PE, and in Willesden, north-west London, at the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden, Nicoll Road, London NW10 9AX. In both cases, the parish priests have been asked by the archdiocese to learn and celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form.

Neither Fr Tim Edgar of St Albans nor Fr Stephen Willis of Willesden has previously celebrated the Extraordinary Form, but both are approaching the opportunity of offering the ancient form of Mass with a very positive and pastoral attitude. It will obviously take some time for them to reach the necessary level of proficiency to start offering Masses publicly. Nevertheless, training has begun and regular weekly Masses on Sundays will start later this year on dates and at times yet to be announced. Their parishioners have already been consulted and informed about the introduction of the Extraordinary Form in their parishes and the reaction has been positive.

This very good news follows meetings between the LMS and the archdiocese over a period of a year or more, in which LMS Chairman Dr Joseph Shaw, Local Representative for Hertfordshire Mike Mason, and LMS General Manager Mike Lord met with Bishop Alan Hopes and Bishop John Sherrington a number of times to discuss wider provision of the Extraordinary Form.

The LMS would like to thank Bishop Hopes, Bishop Sherrington and Archbishop Vincent Nichols for their work in helping to make the Traditional Mass available in these areas of the Archdiocese of Westminster.

LMS General Manager Mike Lord commented: ‘We are very pleased at this positive response from the archdiocese to what has been something of a pastoral crisis in Hertfordshire and north-west London in recent years for Catholics attached to the Extraordinary Form of Mass.

'It is doubly pleasing that the parish priest in each case has been asked to be the principal celebrant. The Traditional Mass needs to become a full and accepted part of parish life in dioceses across the country with an important role to play in drawing the faithful closer to Christ, especially in this Year of Faith. In the cases of St Albans and Willesden, the Extraordinary Form is set to do just that.’

For further information, please contact Mike Lord, General Manager,

on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585; (E mail)

Friday, 8 February 2013

Masses in March

1st - St. Wulstan's, Wolstanton 7.00pm Low Mass
3rd - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
10th - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
17th St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
24th St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.oopm Sung Mass
31st St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.oopm Sung Mass

Masses in February

These are the Masses for February. Please note that the morning Masses at St Joseph's, Burslem have been discontinued.

 1st - St. Wulstan's, Wolstanton 7.00pm Low Mass
3rd - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
10th - St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
17th St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.00pm Sung Mass
24th - Oulton Abbey 3.00pm Sung/Low Mass
 St. Joseph's, Burslem 6.oopm Sung Mass