Tuesday, 25 March 2014

New Video from LMS

New Video from LMS on Receiving Holy Communion

A new video has just been released by Head Office.  Put together by Michael Lord and Joseph Shaw,
it explains the importance of receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, tracing its origins back to the early Church.  This 4-minute YouTube production can be seen by clicking http://youtu.be/aql5wEwsY3A

Next Mass at Oulton Abbey

This is likely to be a little after Easter, probably 18 May at 3pm.  Do please check on this before setting out (alan.jfrost@btopenworld.com).  Incidentally during Lent there are Stations of the Cross at 5pm each Sunday, before the weekly parish Old Rite Mass at 6 pm. at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Swynnerton, near Stone